We've all been there. You've had a bad day, week, or month and you just don't feel like doing anything. You tell yourself that it's okay to skip your workout, blow off that meeting, or eat that pint of ice cream. But what if instead of giving in to those excuses you took personal accountability for your actions? What if you decided that no matter how bad you felt, you were going to do the things you said you were going to do? It might be tough at first, but with time and practice it becomes easier and more automatic. So next time you find yourself wanting to give up, try taking a step back and remembering why personal accountability is so important. And then get back to work!

It’s sad that we live in a world where we now have to take courses on how to respond in active shooter situations, but that’s the reality we face.

Mass shootings are becoming increasingly common, and it’s important for everyone to be prepared. In this blog post, I want to talk about something that I believe is a root cause of many mass shootings: the entitlement mentality.

Too many people feel like they are entitled to things they haven’t earned, and this can lead to resentment and anger. The solution lies in self accountability.

We need to learn to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions if we want to create a better world. It’s not enough to blame others or external factors for our own shortcomings.

Let’s work towards building a society where individuals take responsibility for their actions and reject the entitlement mentality. Only then will we see a decrease in these heartbreaking mass shootings.

We need to work together to create a society that rejects the entitlement mentality. Only then will we see a decrease in mass shootings and other tragedies.

We can start by teaching our children the importance of self accountability, and by setting an example ourselves. Let’s not forget that each one of us has the power to make a difference. Thank you for reading!